City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services


City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services provides curbside collection of garbage, recycling, yard waste and bulky waste for single-family residences and multi-family communities within the city of Charlotte. Although waste collection can be grimy, its branding and community marketing certainly doesn’t have to be!

We've worked with Solid Waste Services on a number of assignments that included program/initiative identity design, transit signage and direct mail.

The Work

Initiative identity for Healthy Communities. Healthy Communities is a lifestyle program, created by City of Charlotte Solid Waste Services, that offers practical, actionable steps for improving personal health and the health of the environment through reusing, upcycling, composting and recycling.

Healthy Communities infographic and posters.

Healthy Communities "Get Your Life" kickoff events poster and door hanger.

Truck Crew pledge card with sticker and individual sticker.

Curbit! is Solid Waste Services's guidelines to household waste preparation and collection. We refreshed/redesigned the main Curbit! brand and its sub-brands that are used in various applications including publications and city-wide waste receptacles.

Annual recycling collection calendar.

Curbit! collection day mailer. This piece was produced for each trash collection day (Monday-Friday) and in Spanish.

Waste Wizard is an online resource that city residents can use to assist in planning and prepping for waste collection. We developed an identity for this resource.

Waste Wizard poster.

Other Work

Stand For Animals
Digital Creating An Appointment Request System That’s More Bite Than Bark

Our friends at Stand For Animals looped us in to help create web-based appointment request software that’s aided in their practice's growth.